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Eurasian Grey Wolf These are the largest of the Old World grey wolves, averaging 39 kg (86 lb) in Europe; however, exceptionally large individuals have weighed between 69-80 kg. Many Eurasian wolf populations are forced to subsist largely on livestock and garbage in areas with dense human activity, though wild ungulates such as moose, red deer, roe deer and wild boar are still the most important food sources in Russia and the more mountainous regions of Eastern Europe. Other prey species include reindeer, argali, mouflon, wisent, saiga, ibex, chamois, wild goats, fallow deer and musk deer.
Flamingo Flamingos are among the oldest bird groups still alive today and are probably most closely related to the ducks and geese.
Giant Anteater Anteaters are edentates - they have no teeth. But their long tongues are more than sufficient to lap up the 35,000 ants and termites they swallow whole each day. Anteaters are found in Central and South America, where they prefer tropical forests and grasslands.
Giant Tortoise This species is found on the Aldabra atoll, a group of islands to the north of Madagascar. Designated an endangered species in the late 1800s, they were one of the first animals ever to gain this protection. The largest recorded specimen weighed 295kg (657lb)
Giraffe Cotswold Wildlife Park has five male Giraffes. Their primary food source is acacia leaves, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach.
Great Grey Owl These owls live in the Northern hemisphere (Alaska - Lapland) and eats small rodents. This is a specialist feeder adapted to its extreme environment. It has the large saucer-like face to help trap the sound of moving prey. Studies have shown that this species can hear a vole 14 inches (35.6cm) below the snow and it will fly and dive into the snow to catch such prey. Although this owl appears large in size, 50% is made up of feathers, these keep the owl warm in its cold environment.
Greater Bamboo Lemur The Greater Bamboo Lemur is one of the world's most critically endangered primates, according to the IUCN RedList. Scientists believed that it was extinct, but a remnant population was discovered in 1986. Since then, surveys of south- and central eastern Madagascar have found about 500 individuals in 11 subpopulations. The home range of the species is likewise drastically reduced. The current range is less than 4 percent of its historic distribution. Most of the former range is no longer suitable habitat due to this species' dietary specialization on bamboo and its microhabitat preferences. The outlook is dire since areas with critically low population numbers have no official protection, and comprise severely degraded habitat.
Green Anaconda Anacondas are water boas capable of growing up to 9m.They retain their eggs until they are fully developed then give birth to over 50 young. The primarily nocturnal anaconda species tend to spend most of its life in or around water. Anacondas are also sometimes known as the water boa; they spend more time in water than any of the boas. They seem rather slow and sluggish when traveling on land due to their size, although they have the potential to reach high speeds in the water. They tend to float beneath the surface of the water with their snouts above the surface. When prey passes by or stops to drink, the anaconda will strike (without eating or swallowing it) and coil around it with its body. The snake will then constrict until it has successfully suffocated the prey.
Grey Mouse Lemur Like all mouse lemurs, this species is nocturnal and arboreal. It is very active, and though it forages alone, groups of males and females form sleeping groups and share tree holes during the day. It exhibits a form of dormancy called torpor during the cool, dry winter months, and in some cases undergoes seasonal torpor (or hibernation), which is unusual for primates. The gray mouse lemur can be found in several types of forest throughout western and southern Madagascar. Its diet consists primarily of fruit, insects, flowers, and nectar.
Leaf-Cutting Ants Leafcutter ants are any of 47 species of leaf-chewing ants belonging to the two genera Atta and Acromyrmex. These species of tropical, fungus-growing ants are all endemic to South and Central America, Mexico and parts of the southern United States. Leafcutter ants cut and process fresh vegetation (leaves, flowers, and grasses) to serve as the nutritional substrate for their fungal cultivars.
Linnes Two-Toed Sloth Sloths come from one of the earliest mammalian orders, Xenarthra, and originated about 35 million years ago, they are closely related to armadillos and anteaters. Sloths feed on leaves, buds, twigs, fruits and small prey and their low rate of metabolism enables them to live on relatively little food; it can take them up to a month to digest their food. The Sloths claws are part of their adaptation to life in the trees and help them remain sleeping and suspended underneath branches for hours. They do most things upside down, including eating and sleeping an average of 15 hours per day.
Maasai Ostrich Though they cannot fly, ostriches are fleet, strong runners. They can sprint up to 43 miles (70 kilometers) an hour and run over distance at 31 miles (50 kilometers) an hour. They may use their wings as "rudders" to help them change direction while running. An ostrich's powerful, long legs can cover 10 to 16 feet (3 to 5 meters) in a single stride. These legs can also be formidable weapons. Ostrich kicks can kill a human or a potential predator like a lion. Each two-toed foot has a long, sharp claw. Ostriches live in small herds that typically contain less than a dozen birds. Alpha males maintain these herds, and mate with the group's dominant hen. The male sometimes mates with others in the group, and wandering males may also mate with lesser hens. All of the group's hens place their eggs in the dominant hen's nest, although her own are given the prominent center place. The dominant hen and male take turns incubating the giant eggs, each one of which weighs as much as two dozen chicken eggs.

Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens