Select Item Basket Your Details Payment Confirmation We are a charity. We protect animals in danger around the world. Please donate, it means so much to our work and we cannot claim back Gift Aid from the government if you do not. By giving a little you are helping a lot. Asiatic Lion The Asiatic Lion exists as a single isolated population in India's Gujurat State. As of May 2015, the lion population was estimated at 523 individuals. Bactrian Camel The Bactrian Camel is now only found naturally in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. The humps are used to store fat, not water, as is commonly thought. Bali Starling The Bali starling is one of the rarest birds in the world, and have become incredibly close to extinction in the wild - it has been estimated that there are fewer than 50 of them left. Bat Fruit Bats occur in a variety of habitats, from lowlands to mountains. They rest in ancient tombs and temples, rock crevices, garden trees and date plantations, but are most common in caves. Binturong Also known as the Bearcat, this mainly solitary civit is only one of two carnivores with a prehensile tail, and a gland under their tail secretes a scent that smells of popcorn. They are listed as Vulnerable due to trapping for the pet trade and are often eaten as a delicacy by locals. Brazilian Tapir The overall appearance of the Tapir does tend to confuse when trying to guess its relatives. Many think it is related to pigs or to elephants, but in fact it is a relative of the horses and rhinoceroses. The Brazillian Tapir has a diet of leaves, buds, twigs, fruit and grasses. The Cotswold Wildlife Park has an excellent breeding record with this species. Capybara The Capybara is also known as the Orinoco Hog. It is the largest member of the rodent family with adults weighing up to 60 kg and the similarity to its relative the Guinea Pig is noticeable. Found in Panama, Colombia, the Guianas to Uruguay and north-eastern Argentina. Feeds on Fruit, vegetables, grasses and aquatic plants. Chapmans Zebra The Chapmans Zebra was named after James Chapman; an English naturalist of the nineteenth century. Found in Southern Ethiopia to central Angola and eastern South Africa. Grazes on grass. Clouded Leopard The Clouded Leopard has the longest canines in relation to its size than any other cat - measuring up to 4cm. Their long tail helps this cat move around in the trees with great agility. Our pair arrived in 2010 from Howletts Wild Animal Park and have produced several litters of cubs since they arrived – this is something we are incredibly proud of as they can be very difficult to breed in captivity Colobus Monkey Native to Africa, Colobuses live in territorial groups of about nine individuals, based upon a single male with a number of females and their offspring. Newborn colobuses are completely white. Crowned Sifaka Unlike the Verreaux’s Sifaka (listed as Vulnerable), this species of lemur is listed as Critically Endangered. It is thought that only 100-1000 individuals exist in the wild. Habitat destruction is the main threat faced by the species. Forests where it lives are burned to provide crops and pasture for livestock and also cut for charcoal. While it is protected by 'taboos' in some parts of Madagascar, it is also hunted for its meat or the illegal pet trade in other parts of its range. Emperor Tamarin The species inhabits tropical forests in Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia, and is endangered as a result of deforestation. When Emperor Tamarins were first discovered their long moustaches were believed to resemble the moustache of a German Emperor from the 19th century. There are 38 adoptions for this category. Next4321